7 Vital SEO Trends to Follow in 2021

All thanks to the rapid digitalization around the web, SEO trends are ever-evolving! Last year, content marketing strategies were in the limelight as they were the go-to option to be implemented by a majority of the marketers amidst this pandemic. Keeping up with the current trends and building a developed SEO toolkit will allow you to better your website's ranking and scale higher. 

The battle is for which websites will make it to the few first results in the SERP. And to help you in this, here are the seven latest SEO trends to optimize your content effectively.

Leading SEO Trends to Help your Business in 2021 

You have to alter your SEO strategy according to modified Google algorithms to scale your website's ranking and business. Here is a briefing on some significant SEO trends to notify you of the latest tools and strategies you need to work within 2021. 

User & Search intent 

2021 is the year to shift the focus to searcher behavior and intent. Especially when 2020 brought so many significant changes. Mainly, Google is the core, where people go to get all their queries. And when businesses will understand the nature of the search and provide them with the content with solutions they want will scale profit and make your website rank higher in SERPs. 

Now, businesses are required to forget about self-branding and instead cater to their visitors.

Brand SERP Optimization 

Tracking brand SERPs will be the new normal this year! This year, the entity-based search begins with Google's complete understanding of the brand, its offers, and which audience group they will serve. 

These days it's not entirely about the websites but all your owned web assets and how they interact with the SERP. So, the only way to optimize for Google is to define your entity in the knowledge graph and how it is linked to the topic. 

Mobile SEO

Ensuring your website runs smoothly on mobile devices requires refocusing, as this is where 54.8% of global web traffic comes from. The best thing to address your mobile SEO concerns is by employing user-centric mobile UX for your website. If you are currently on a desktop site, Google will most probably ignore it for a mobile-friendly site. Improving user experience is the core of mobile SEO. Go with this trend to enjoy long-term benefits. 


2020 has laid the initial foundation of automation, and there are several SEO tasks (quality, content, etc.) that were automated last year. The volume and quality of AI-generated content will scale dramatically this year. The trend for this year's SEO in-house teams will surely be the innovation of solutions for effective optimization employing automation. 

Employing automated tools will help businesses to cut off time-consuming and error-prone chores. It's almost like adding a team member in the execution department. 

Changes in SERP structure and functionalities

SEO marketing experts expect a massive change in the content structure and how it is positioned on the website. There is no reason to have a page for subtopics and others on general topics when you can include it all in one. 

This trend is the most effective one as offering a one-stop solution for specific problems increases direct sales.

Longer content

Focusing more on long-form content is another trend you won't like to miss out on. While it might discourage you that no one reads long-form content, it does rank higher in SERP. Long-form accumulates double-page views and 24% more shares than standard length pieces. Offering users detailed information or solutions will build the brand's reputation and increase credibility in the market.

Core Web Vitals 

Page experience metrics cannot be sidelined after Google introduced Core Web Vitals as a ranking basis. Businesses need to prioritize it to sustain the market and keep up with the market competitors. Use tools to acquire insights like page speed, image optimization,mobile-friendliness, and security protocols. 

In short, Core Web Vitals brings a pleasant user experience, as the factors in measuring page experience and SERP ranking. 


Keeping up with the trends and staying updated with all the latest tools and strategies is the most riveting part of a marketer's work life. New technologies do bring roadblocks but are also the way to scale your business. The above-listed trends will surely help to step up your SEO game this year. 

However, if you’re still confused and want some expert help, reach our website and navigate to Brainvire - what is SEO Agency

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