How To Deal With the Symptoms of Early Menopause

Menopause is a phase in a woman’s life that signifies the end of her menstruation period. According to the International Menopause Society, the average menopausal age is 51.5 years old.

Production of female hormones estrogen and progesterone starts to decline with aging, and when the level is too low, menstruation will stop permanently. A woman is considered in her menopausal stage after the absence of menstruation for 12 months. 

What is Early Menopause?

The term early menopause refers to an early onset of the menopausal phase, usually before the age of 45. Meanwhile, for those who are experiencing menopause before the age of 40, it is called premature menopause. 

The main causes of early menopause are follicle dysfunction and follicle depletion. Both causes can be triggered by several factors, such as:

  • Genetics. If you have a family history of early menopause, you are also at risk. 
  • Disorders. Genetic disorders like Turner syndrome or autoimmune diseases mistakenly attack organs and cause permanent damage to the ovaries.
  • Surgery. Oophorectomy or removal of one or both ovaries.
  • Cancer treatments. Chemotherapy or radiation can trigger the early onset of menopause. 

Symptoms of Early Menopause

Early menopause usually starts with irregular or sudden cessation of menstruation.  The other symptoms are:

  • Spotting
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Night sweats
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Moodiness
  • Mental blur
  • Sleeping difficulty.

You must consult a doctor if you do not have your period for 3 months or more. Aside from the possibility of menopause, it could also be an indicator of other health concerns, such as pregnancy, medications, stress or other illness.  Unfortunately, early menopause also increases the risk of developing other health problems, including, infertility, anxiety and depression, osteoporosis and heart diseases.

Diagnosis of early menopause

When early menopause is suspected, your doctor will make an assessment and might require some hormone tests to determine whether what you are going through is an early onset of menopause. Examples of these tests are the following:

  • Estrogen test: The doctor will look at your estradiol level, which decreases significantly in menopause.
  • AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone): This test is used to determine whether you have reached your last cycle. 
  • FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone): When you haven’t menstruated for a year, and the level of your FSH is above 30 mill-international units per millimetre, it’s a supporting indicator that your body has reached menopause. 

The doctor will also check for the history of any exposure to toxins, chemotherapy and radiation, as well as request for a pregnancy test and perform a pelvic examination. It is important that you seek first the advice of your doctor to confirm whether you are experiencing early menopause.

Dealing with early menopause

Early menopause is not something you can prevent from happening, but there are positive steps you can take to reduce its effects. 

Hormonal Therapies

Progestin and estrogen supplements can help replace the low hormones in the body. Those who suffer often take them until the age of 50 because this helps them manage the symptoms and protect the bones from deterioration. 

Eating right

Improving your diet can also minimise the effect of the symptoms. Making food adjustments by focusing on whole organic choices can significantly improve how you feel. There are also plenty of herbs for menopause that you can incorporate into your diet to help regulate your mood and alleviate physical symptoms.

Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables will help with weight management, as well as provide essential nutrients to your body. Increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables also reduces bone breakdown. 

Moreover, certain foods can help balance your hormones. Phytoestrogen is a natural compound in plants that is known to have properties like estrogen. Soybean-based products, such as tofu, tempeh, flaxseeds and sesame seeds, are examples of phytoestrogen-rich foods.  

Eating right also means avoiding certain types of food that can aggravate your symptoms. Alcohol, caffeine and food high in sugar can increase hot flashes and worsen your mood.

Calcium and vitamin D supplements

Osteoporosis is a serious concern among older females, but calcium and vitamin D supplements can help prevent bone loss. Women between the age of 19 and 50 should take 1,000 mg of calcium daily, while those who are above 50 years old should take 1,200 mg per day. Meanwhile, for vitamin D, the recommended amount is 600 IU per day. 

Keep a healthy weight

It is common for those experiencing menopause to gain notable weight due to the hormonal changes in the body. Unfortunately, the excess fat exposes you to other health issues like heart problems and diabetes. However, several studies showed that women who were able to maintain a healthy weight were able to get rid of hot flashes and night sweats. 

Have someone to talk to

Menopause can have a toll on women’s mental health, and this is difficult to deal with alone. Get a therapist to help you deal with the mental and emotional struggles. 

Talking to someone who has been through the phase can also help you manage your symptoms and move towards establishing a healthy lifestyle. Having someone with you, whether it is a professional or simply an attentive friend, can help your mental and emotional health tremendously. Joining a support group will also improve your outlook on early menopause.

Key takeaways

Menopause can bring radical changes in a woman’s life. This is particularly challenging to those who are dealing with the early onset of menopause. Infertility, extreme mood changes, risk for heart problems and osteoporosis are just some issues to deal with. 

This is why it is important for people to understand that dealing with early menopause requires a lot of support from loved ones. Also, a woman should consult her doctor to address any concerns. Proper knowledge about menopause can help deal with the situation better. 

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