How do you prepare the child for a Boarding School?

Preparing your child for a boarding school in Dehradun can be challenging. Boarding schools can offer a world of academic and athletic opportunities. Whether your child is starting boarding school for the first time or returning after a gap year, you can do a few things to make their transition as smooth as possible. 

The child may be excited, nervous, or both.  But, usually, the transition to boarding school is quite challenging for children. There is no better time to prepare your child for boarding school than summer break. 

Summer offers a great opportunity to acclimate your children to their new surroundings and the structure at their soon-to-be schools. Below are a few things you can do over the summer to help your child make a smooth transition into their new school.

Tip to prepare your child for boarding school in Dehradun

  • Let them pack their bags

This is important because it gives children some control over the process and helps them feel more ready for the experience. It would help if you also encouraged your child to bring items from home that will help them feel comfortable in their new surroundings — such as a favorite pillow or stuffed animal — or use their luggage as an opportunity to start making friends by sharing things with other students (such as snacks).

Before your child heads off to boarding school, there are some things you can do to prepare them for the experience.

  • Discuss the Benefits of Boarding School

While some people may assume that boarding school in Dehradun are only for children with behavioral issues or other problems, this is not the case. 

Many students choose to attend boarding schools because they can get more individualized attention from teachers and administrators than at a larger public school. In addition, many boarding schools offer extracurricular activities which may be unavailable at other schools in your area. For example, some schools offer skiing or horseback riding lessons as part of their curriculum. 

You may also discover that your child is interested in something like music that isn't available at other local high schools. 

  • Discuss Their Goals

Once you've decided that your child wants to go away for boarding school, then it's time for you to sit down and discuss their goals and dreams for their future. This can help give both of you an idea of what schools are best suited for them academically and socially. 

For example, maybe they want to go into medicine after high school, or perhaps they want a career in business instead?

  • Be honest about homesickness

 If your child is going away from home for the first time, there is always a chance that they could get homesick. Talk about this possibility with them before it happens so that if it does happen, they won't feel guilty or embarrassed about feeling this way. 

Of course, this doesn't mean that you should encourage homesickness; instead, just let them know that everyone gets homesick sometimes.

  • Help her get ready physically

While most boarding schools provide uniforms and other necessities, students should bring their items like toiletries, extra clothes, and books to read at night to feel comfortable in their new environment. 

It may also be helpful to pack some everyday clothing items from home or a favorite stuffed animal or blanket they can take comfort in while they settle into their new life away from home.

  • Prepare your child for a schedule change.

Best boarding school in Dehradun offer more structure than traditional schools; which can be both good and bad depending on your child's personality type and needs. Important thing you can do is prepare child for the shift away from home by helping her adjust her schedule. 

Perhaps by limiting the amount of work assigned at first; so she gets used to having more free time during the week. Once everyone adjusts, there shouldn't be any problems whatsoever!

  • Get them used to being away from home

If possible, take a trip without your child and practice leaving them alone in the hotel room; or by themselves at home while you're gone. If your child has never lived away from home before, encourage them to spend time with friends who live in dorms or apartments away from home to gain some perspective on what life might be like after high school graduation. 

This may also help them get used to leaving home for short periods during their senior year of high school. And other vacations throughout the year.

  • Prepare for Tough Times

Boarding school can be a difficult transition for some students. Children often have trouble adjusting to new surroundings and making friends at first. Be honest about how hard it might be to adjust. But do not dwell on negative aspects of boarding school life. 

Instead, emphasize how much fun they will have and how much they will learn while away from home. Be realistic about what you can expect from your child during this time. For example, if they are struggling with academics or behavior problems at home, it may take some time before things improve in these areas once they move away from home and has access to more resources and support systems at school.

  • Have your child write letters back home regularly

 Have them write a letter or email every week or two with updates about what they are learning in class and what their friends are doing back home. 

Ask questions about their day-to-day life at school so that they feel connected to home through their correspondence with you. You might also consider having them save pictures from magazines of places or things that remind them of home to send these pictures along with their letters for added effect!

  • Be there for them during the first few days.

The first few days, even at the best boarding school in Dehradun, can be overwhelming as the child adjusts to new surroundings, new people, and new routines. Make sure you are there for them during these crucial days so that they don't feel alone or lost in a new place. 

You can visit them on weekends or even during weekdays, even if it means taking a day off from work or travelling longer than usual on your commute to work each day; make sure that your child feels loved and cared for during this transition phase!