Variety of fruits and vegetables for Winter season in India

Fruits and vegetables are a vital part of one's life. These contain important vitamins, minerals, and other necessities to get through the various aspects of life. Additionally, they contain plant chemicals and fiber which is important to keep the person healthy in the long run. 

Not only this but taking a diet that is based upon fruits and vegetables helps in fighting various diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, etc. it is really important to have a balanced diet that surely contains different types of fruits and vegetables in a day. 

Also, the fruits and vegetables can be taken in two types : vegetables in the form of a salad and the form of the normal vegetable one takes up with chapati. Similarly, fruits are taken up in the form of juices and normal eating. The various ingredients that are provided by the intake of fruits and vegetables are potassium, folate, and vitamin C. You will now get to know about Winter Season Fruits And Vegetables in India for further discussions. 

Fruits and vegetables eaten in the winter season are:

1. Carrots: Carrots are a rich source of various minerals and vitamins which help in the overall growth of an individual. It has a high amount of carotene in comparison to other fruits and vegetables. It contains various types of vitamins like vitamin B, C, D, E, and K.It has some choices in terms of eating it raw or cooked.

2. Oranges: Oranges are again a rich source in terms of vitamin C especially. It also helps you in fighting against germs that give you potassium, minerals, folate, and other needful fibers. Also, it imparts low calories than other fruits or vegetables.

3. Apples: There is a biggest saying in terms of an apple a day keeps the doctor away. This is one of the affordable and easily available fruits in winter. You can make it as your midday snack and you can both keep yourself healthy and also enjoy the same.

4.Turnips: It is generally a root vegetable as per the size of the apple. It has a sweet taste and texture is starchy containing fiber, folate, minerals, and vitamins. This is the winter vegetable as best turnips come in winters only.

5. Mustard Leaves: This is a highly nutritious winter crop. It has various antioxidants, carotenes, vitamins, and minerals, which are there in its fresh and green leaves. 

6. Fenugreek leaves: It is generally termed as methi in Indian terms. It is loaded with a variety of minerals, vitamins, fibers, and antioxidants. It is also good in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar which are the two major health issues that are faced by many people these days. Therefore, it helps in the overall growth of the individual.

7. Beets: These are usually consumed throughout the year but are best in the winter season. It also helps in preventing heart and liver diseases. 

8. Peas: It is a vitamin-K-rich vegetable and also contains some of the essential- B complex vitamins.

9. Spinach: Spinach leaves are the healthiest vegetable in the world containing flavonoids and carotenoids.

10. Radishes: These are pungent or sweet providing potassium and a lot of roughage.

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